Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Thought of The Day
Monday, January 4, 2010
Thought of The Day
seriously. You know when you need a break.
You know when you need a rest. You know what
to get worked up about and what to get rid of.
And you know when it's time to take care of
yourself, for yourself. To do something that
makes you stronger, faster, more complete.
Because you know it's never too late to have a life.
And never too late to change one.
~NIKE Advertisement
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Friendship and Love
Can love survive without friendship? Can friendship live without love? Both are a part of the same coin. Relationships, specially the ones between lovers/spouses die not because of death of love but because of disappearance of friendship. When affection vaporizes, the heart is but an organ. And organs do not have the capacity to feel anything, leave aside the warmth of love.
Of course the love for your friend will be quite different from the love for your lover, but its all a matter of degrees. Perhaps here in the second case, comes the element of physical attraction to begin with but in the end just this factor alone cannot make love survive. Our everyday existence is overflowing with instances of this. Man is a feeling animal. He is a spiritual being. He thrives on emotional attachment. That’s why two machines cant stay forever together. They detach.
Before being a lover, be a friend. Before being a spouse be a friend. Before falling in love, rise in friendship. Love might make the world go around; but Friendship will make love come full circle as if each moment with him/her is like the first “hello”!