Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Winner Stands Alone

A seagull was flying over a beach, when it saw a mouse. It flew down and asked the mouse:
‘Where are your wings?’

Each animal speaks its own language, and so the mouse didn’t understand the question, but stared at the two strange, large things attached to the other creatures body.
‘It must have some illness,’ thought the mouse.

The seagull noticed the mouse staring at its wings and thought:
‘Poor thing. It must have been attacked by monsters that left it deaf and took away its wings.’

Feeling sorry for the mouse, the seagull picked it up in its beak and took it for a ride in the skies. ‘Its probably homesick,’ the seagull thought while they were flying. Then, very carefully, it deposited the mouse once more on the ground.

For some months afterwards, the mouse was sunk in gloom; it had known the heights and seen a vast and beautiful world. However, in time, it grew accustomed to being just a mouse again and came to believe that the miracle that had occurred in its life was nothing but a dream.